International relocation is recognised as one of the most stressful life events.


The spouses and partners of UN staff members often feel isolated and unfulfilled in a new location. UNKLESA provides a platform for social interaction, networking, professional training and other activities and aims to significantly improve the living conditions of the relocated families. Moreover, UNKLESA is comprised of a diverse pool of skilled professionals. Utilising this talent-rich pool of applicants who already reside in Kenya, is not only helping them live fulfilled lives but it also saves UN organisations on installation costs. In supporting UN spouses, UNKLESA enables the UN System to avoid relocation failures and also to recruit and retain highly qualified professionals among its internationally mobile personnel.

It’s worth noting that 65% of relocation failures are attributed to partner dissatisfaction with the new location and may end in a prematurely terminated contract. Each one of these contracts cost the UN between $250,000- $2.5 million.

Our current sponsors are:
Unicef, UN Office at Nairobi and UN Environment Programme
